When looking for a job, the first step can sometimes seem the hardest: how to get your CV to read?

The fact is that recruiters often have to evaluate hundreds of applications for each position, and yours may be overlooked as a result. This explains why it is so important to write a CV that is easy to read, concise, and to the point.

But there are other things you need to consider when looking for a new job. The following are some really tested tips that can make your search a little easier.

Avoid common mistakes

Any small mistake on your CV could cause the recruiter to lose interest. Remember that the curricula available to them are many! Sometimes, even a small misspelling can therefore be very expensive.

Be meticulous. Make sure there isn’t even a misspelling. Also, make sure your CV looks clean and neat. It’s often a good idea to have more than one version of your CV, so you can send the one that’s most appropriate for the type of ad you’re responding to.

In the cover letter, try to mention the company name you are writing to – of course if you know it – and put it to the attention of the recruiter.

Keep it snappy

The ideal resume should not exceed two pages, it should be neat and well focused: get straight to the point. Use bulleted lists when mentioning skills and qualifications; they will be faster to read.

Don’t apply for positions you don’t qualify for. Read the details of the vacancy, and if you don’t match the requests, throw in another advertisement. In practice, an application for which you realistically have a chance is one in which you meet the required requisites to the extent of 80%.

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Be present online

Recruiters very often search and contact possible candidates online. Without wanting to list them here, there really are a multitude of good reasons to use the internet.

You can increase your chances by filling out a LinkedIn profile. Make it clear and concise, but don’t be afraid to add details about the projects you have worked on and about your personality.

By having all of this on one page, recruiters can get a good idea of ​​the skills you have, and the experiences you’ve had. Keeping up-to-date your LinkedIn profile is a must, and getting recommendations from key clients and colleagues can help a recruiter take a decision. Online reputation is a very important factor when you are looking for a new job; it can determine your success or failure.

Approximately 60% of recruiters, before contacting a candidate, research information about him by doing a search on the Internet. The possibility that you find information relevant to the job you are applying for or the sector in which you want to operate increases can positively affect it.

Getting noticed is the first step. The path to the interview seems like a huge challenge, but if you follow these small steps you can actually increase the probability of getting that job.

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